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Autor Thema: Die Entwicklung des Spiels mit BC  (Gelesen 48194 mal)


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Re: Die Entwicklung des Spiels mit BC
« Antwort #135 am: 10. Oktober 2006, 17:07:12 »
geil. BM noobs kriegen jetzt wrath. ein 18s unstoppable gimp specced hunter mit +30% dmg boost.
Gethsemane, lvl78 Will o' the Wisp Voodoo Princess


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Re: Die Entwicklung des Spiels mit BC
« Antwort #136 am: 10. Oktober 2006, 17:44:21 »
Overpowered ist da noch untertrieben. Jäger waren vorher schon stoffiekiller, nun mit den neuen pets, fallen und fähigkeiten wirds noch schlimmer. Ich verstehe nicht wieso der jäger alles bekommt, was sonst nur bestimmten klassen vorbehalten war. Naja da können die priester alle nen jägertwink anfangen.........Toll.

Wieso, wenn man einen Priester spielt lernt man doch sowieso früh genug das man twinken muss wenn man Spass haben will.
Die Jägertwinks sind also schon lange 60.


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Re: Die Entwicklung des Spiels mit BC
« Antwort #137 am: 10. Oktober 2006, 19:58:45 »
Overpowered ist da noch untertrieben. Jäger waren vorher schon stoffiekiller, nun mit den neuen pets, fallen und fähigkeiten wirds noch schlimmer. Ich verstehe nicht wieso der jäger alles bekommt, was sonst nur bestimmten klassen vorbehalten war. Naja da können die priester alle nen jägertwink anfangen.........Toll.
lol! Käse zum whine? :P

P.S: Sowas wollte ich schon immer mal schreiben ;)
.:: tehK.de :: #easilyamused ::.


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Re: Die Entwicklung des Spiels mit BC
« Antwort #138 am: 10. Oktober 2006, 20:50:03 »
Overpowered ist da noch untertrieben. Jäger waren vorher schon stoffiekiller, nun mit den neuen pets, fallen und fähigkeiten wirds noch schlimmer. Ich verstehe nicht wieso der jäger alles bekommt, was sonst nur bestimmten klassen vorbehalten war. Naja da können die priester alle nen jägertwink anfangen.........Toll.
lol! Käse zum whine? :P

P.S: Sowas wollte ich schon immer mal schreiben ;)

Ach was heisst hier weinen.......PvP hat schon immer nach dem stein-scherre-papier prinzip funktioniert, ich habe mich bereits damit abgefunden. Aber der grund warum ich das so stark finde, liegt an den gleichzeitig verbesserten pets - z.B.:

Teaches your tamed bird the Eye Peck ability. Eye Peck causes an enemy to miss more often in combat.
5% Chance to Eye Peck, which lowers a target’s chance to hit by 47%(it has -1 duration so i belive that it only works for 1 hit)

Teaches your tamed bird the Flight of the Peregrine ability. Flight of the Peregrine increase the movement speed of the bird.
Increases movement speed by 100% for 15 seconds, 5 min cooldown.

Teaches your tamed bird the Pester ability. Pester greatly increases the attack speed of the bird at the cost of dealing less damage. Every successful attack while in this mode renders the target unable to cast spells for a short time.
Decreases damage done while granting a chance to silence on hit, lasts 15 seconds, 30 seconds cooldown.

Quelle, alle anderen pets sind hier aufgeführt. Die frage ist natürlich wie immer, was es live schaft.
.....am Ende bin ich nur ich selbst.


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Re: Die Entwicklung des Spiels mit BC
« Antwort #139 am: 10. Oktober 2006, 20:55:43 »
Das mit dem Silencen ist aber wirklich fies.. 0.0
Ob das Shield das abhält, oder einfach nur der Treffer zählt, egal welcher Schaden gemacht wird?
"Yes I did. Absolutely. He was gonna hurt our dog."


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Re: Die Entwicklung des Spiels mit BC
« Antwort #140 am: 10. Oktober 2006, 21:17:47 »
schild hält nur dmg ab. disorients, stuns, kicks, counterspells, etc geht alles durch...

hunter kriegt aggro management spells. hunter mit aggro problemen? (omg rofl bbq)
Gethsemane, lvl78 Will o' the Wisp Voodoo Princess


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Re: Die Entwicklung des Spiels mit BC
« Antwort #141 am: 10. Oktober 2006, 22:47:38 »
Der Hunter wird im PVP definitiv nicht imba. Für das 41er BM-Talent verzichtet man halt z.B. auf Scattershot und dass wir Fallen jetzt im Kampf legen können, ist zwar toll, aber dank 30 Sek. CD eher ein Nerf im PVP. 

Viel wichter sind für uns die PVE-Verbesserungen und die waren bitter nötig. Ab AQ40 hat doch keiner mehr 'nen Jäger gebraucht (außer evtl. für Tranq-Shot. Weiß ich jetzt gerade nicht), was man ja auch an den ganzen Naxx-Aufgeboten einiger Gilden sieht. Aber jetzt mit den paar Scaling Abilities, können wir schon mal wieder ein bißchen mitrocken, hoffe ich ;)

Mit ein bißchen Übung werden wir sogar noch akzeptale Crowd Controler (Wyvern Sting und Fallen im Kampf, Irreführung oder wie das heißt) und wer weiß, ob man das in den neuen Instanzen nicht vermehrt gebrauchen kann (sind ja nur 5er, 10er, 25er). Das Pet (bzw. der BM-Baum) hat auch unbedingt eine Verbesserung gebraucht, denn in den momentanen Raid-Instanzen ist das Pet einfach nur nutzlos. Jetzt kann man evtl. sogar als BM in 'nen Raid und nützlich sein - genauso wie als SV-Jäger. So soll's sein.

Dass ein Pet als Fähigkeit silencen kann, klingt allerdings übelst. Ich tippe, dass das noch weggenerft wird (wie vermutlich allgemein noch einige Fähigkeiten bei uns nachgenerft werden).

Ich habe mittlerweile gelesen, dass diese Pet-Skills schon offiziell dementiert wurden. Link liefer ich noch nach.
« Letzte Änderung: 11. Oktober 2006, 00:21:05 von EdHunter »
.:: tehK.de :: #easilyamused ::.


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Re: Die Entwicklung des Spiels mit BC
« Antwort #142 am: 11. Oktober 2006, 11:14:27 »
viel mehr regen mich die 3 stable slots auf. werden aber nicht erhöht da dadurch die datenlast zu größ würde (laut tseric... lol ?!).

habs so verstanden dass sie daran arbeiten dass man pets nicht mehr tamen muss um die skills zu lernen.. wir werden sehen.

ich warte immernoch auf den 3 sek netskill von der spinne den es in der beta gab.

EDIT: überlesen. sind sogar 12 sek alle 20 sek.

Teaches your tamed spider the Web ability. Web renders an enemy unable to move.
Casts a web over an enemy, immobilizing it for 12 seconds. I think that you cant net the same target again for 20 seconds.
« Letzte Änderung: 11. Oktober 2006, 11:26:23 von LeGray »


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Re: Die Entwicklung des Spiels mit BC
« Antwort #143 am: 13. Oktober 2006, 12:54:40 »
Hab übrigens ein interessantes Statement eines Alpha-/Beta-Jägers gelesen über die neuen Items im Vergleich zu den alten:

I wouldn't bother even trying to get tier 1 stuff. I've seen random drop greens that blow giantstalker out of the water. By the time you're level 70, even Cryptstalker would be mostly replaced, except perhaps for the crazy insane 6 piece bonus which is gonna get even crazier with our new crit rates.

Klingt für mich verdammt demotivierend.
Die ganze Raid-Scheiße also umsonst (also item-technisch zumindest ;) )
.:: tehK.de :: #easilyamused ::.


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Re: Die Entwicklung des Spiels mit BC
« Antwort #144 am: 13. Oktober 2006, 14:20:48 »

Hase und Igel, war doch schon immer so. Hab mich damals lediglich über das "Free Upgrade" des PvP-Sets geärgert.


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Re: Die Entwicklung des Spiels mit BC
« Antwort #145 am: 13. Oktober 2006, 17:57:31 »
wie kann man die leute besser zum weiterzocken bewegen wenn nicht mit neuen items die sie sich zeitaufwendig farmen müssen ?
dass leute ein spiel aus SPAß spielen taucht in deren business-konzept noch nicht auf.


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Re: Die Entwicklung des Spiels mit BC
« Antwort #146 am: 13. Oktober 2006, 18:38:03 »

Ja, aber wie definierst Du "Spaß" denn sonst? Einfach durch die Gegend laufen hat halt kein besonderes Ziel, was für Menschen aber ein doch relativ wichtiger Faktor ist. Je weiter das Ziel entfernt und desto schwerer es zu erreichen ist, desto höher auch die Freude wenn man es erreicht hat. Und wenn es am Ende nur "Ehrfürchtig" bei allen Fraktion ist, der Sinn und der Nutzen zweifelhalft: Man hat es geschafft  ::)


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Re: Die Entwicklung des Spiels mit BC
« Antwort #147 am: 13. Oktober 2006, 18:48:29 »
wie kann man die leute besser zum weiterzocken bewegen wenn nicht mit neuen items die sie sich zeitaufwendig farmen müssen ?
dass leute ein spiel aus SPAß spielen taucht in deren business-konzept noch nicht auf.
Zum Weiterzocken hätten auch die neuen Skills, Talente, Level und die neuen Instanzen gereicht. Dass die Items besser werden, ist klar. Allerdings klingt das obige Statement für mich so, dass sich die ganzen 40er-Raid-Sachen halt überhaupt nicht mehr lohnen und das hätte ich dann doch nicht erwartet.
.:: tehK.de :: #easilyamused ::.


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Re: Die Entwicklung des Spiels mit BC
« Antwort #148 am: 13. Oktober 2006, 19:02:20 »
ok, jedem macht was anderes spaß, aber die virtuelle ü-ei jagd ist irgendwann ausgelutscht, und das wird auch blizzard merken. die leute wollen etwas erleben, teil von etwas sein - nicht nur eine nummer im raid die neue purpelu farmt.

zb sinnvolles pvp (nein, kein gw verschnitt), pve-content der sich ständig neu erfindet usw. gibt einige möglichkeiten das spiel so zu gestalten dass die leute nicht zum raiden einloggen weil sie noch ein item wollen sondern einfach will sie bock zu zocken haben :)


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Re: Die Entwicklung des Spiels mit BC
« Antwort #149 am: 14. Oktober 2006, 11:53:41 »
Levelling to 70

* Golds: 60-67 netted +900g from just quests.
* So far, I -think- they're making it a priority to keep enough quests to avoid grinding (good thing).
* A very large proprotion of the +hp change is actually the hp/level being increased beyond what's considered (currently) reasonable, resulting me in a pure dps seeking build having almost 7k because it just keeps showing up on my gear.
* The majority of quests are soloable
* Hellfire Penn is about the size of EPL and WPL combined
* No upgrade for the 16 slot backpack has been found yet.
* There is a 20 slot bag.
* during alpha, it took 9 hours (without rested experience) to gain a level.
* you'll probably be wearing around 7 pieces (of T3) when you hit 70, and none after a month of doing instances and raids
* You can buy one extra bank slot.
* Keyring size stays the same for the first 2 levels, it remains to be seen if get u a bigger one in higher levels

Replacing Gear

* Item mudflation is so far on the extreme side of things. You'll be replacing tier .5 within an hour or two of playing.
* Blue rewards are on par or better to what you would normally get out of instances in WoW classic relative to equivalent greens
* Trash greens are roughly MC. BWL starts off with low level quest drops. AQ is hard quests/high level drops, and Naxx gear gets slightly ecliplsed with the difficult 5 man instance gear- but Naxx gear is most certainly on most come 67, short of stam bonuses.
* (How much T3 will I be wearing at lvl 70?) Honestly, 1-3 max based purely on stats. Possibly a bit more based on set bonuses. New gear is just obscene, especially stat based. In addition, most new leather/rogue gear specificly is AP + Agl.
* blue level 65 quest reward weapons are in the 60-62 dps range for 1h
* expect to only start replacing naxx items from 68-70.
* i've replaced 7 items, most of which are my oldest epics (gurubashi dwarf destroyer, quick strike ring, claw of the black drake, and so on)
* The 2 first instances are rather easy, and the loot it drops there is comparable to BWL loot more or less.
* But a healing neck that dropped from the last boss of hellfire rampart was 85% of the cthun neck.
* As for shadow gear you will start changing that from the get go.I replaced my Sash of whispering secrets with a green quest reward


* Kill Command triggers the global cooldown.
* Rank 1 Arcane Shot still gets 20% of your AP in damage.
* Pets rock. With BM spec, my owl has 7000 hp, 9000 armor, and 160 DPS without ANY buffs.
* Pet scaling is roughly 20-21% of your ranged attack power -> their attack power, roughly 20% your resists -> their resists.
* You will NOT get 2000 attack power any time soon. With full tier 2 and a full marks spec, I had ~1450 self buffed.
* A Tauren Hunter could get 1.05*1.05*1.04*1.1 in hit point bonuses. 26%, roughly.


* Felguard is about what you'd expect. Has a taunt ability that blows void's out of the water but has a bit less armor and his frenzy ability isn't stacking properly. He's still being tweaked, but so far seems to be a pvp pet due to the intercept ability being stupidly good.
* Felgaurd Frenzy effect is a stacking passive debuff that increases the fel's attack power. He also has cleave and, unless they've removed it recently, a 50% aoe dodge passive.


* Water elemental is exactly was has been reported so far; 600+ waterbolts and a ranged frost nova. Has 1700 health.
* CS is on global cooldown. Unsure on evocation.


* Shaman totem summons are wussy little things that hit for 100-200 with no abilities yet implemented
* Rockbiter is a extra damage attack on swing, with a HEAVY +threat modifier- damage is lower, but threat is higher than on live (seems to be anyway)
* WF is actually 2 extra yellow attacks, treated as extra attacks. They can be dodge/parried/blocked, come from the weapon they're used on, and behave normally. Flurry procs from extra crits, UR does NOT proc from WF crits. I never saw one glance or miss
* Weapons can be individually enchanted with shaman buffs.
* WF hits don't count as 'hits' for shamanistic rage
* shaman weapon buffs are at a 30min duration now (confirmed by 2 people)
* Shaman weapon buffs proc from the wpn the buff is on (so WF on an offhand procs an attack from the offhand, not main hand)
* Earthen Shield -felt- like it gained around 15-20% from +healing (on each proc). I'm not entirely sure how much I had on when testing it.
* Nature's Guardian, I didnt notice that much, but it might be because we had ace tanks in the instances I played. I know it has a cooldown on how much it can happen
* Water shield is not affected by any talents or gear
* Itemisation is great for enhance/elemental mail. Got a screenie here of a quest reward that is obtainable within a few hours of entering Outland. Example: http://img201.imageshack.us/img201/1684/questrewards2qv9.jpg There are a lot of items like this just from questing on Hellfire Peninsula.


* Disarm Traps is useful (see conflicting opinion below)
* The only time I remember using disarm traps was for a type of mob in HFC: Blood Furance that dropped land mines, similar to the ones in Gnomereagon, and that was more of a, "hey I can do this" than a, "this is completely necessary to complete this instance" type of thing.
* (Is rogue dps still king?) Rest comfortably. Rogues dominate shaman in pve dps thus far, in addtion to a few abilities being, actualy, useful (stop laughing). They could probably use a buff so thier 31->41 combat talents dont' suck, but they scale fairly well. Thus far the only class I've seen displace them are hunters, and hunter need a lot more tuning anyway.
* we still outdps hybrids like druids, shaman, and, i'm guessing, paladins. however, mages saw a lot of buffs that increase their dps to really scary numbers


* Currently, if you have mangle you can remove claw and rake from your toolbar. Mine hits for a bit more than a shred does.
* Lifebloom is stupid good, but that may be due to wonky +heal bonus coefficients
* Summon treants is worthless currently.
* you can now innervate in moonkin/tree shapeshift forms
* Nature's grasp worked while shapeshifted.
* Lifebloom- keeps refreshing as long as you cast. Perma HoT for no mana for amazing heals ftw. Let it expire if you're tired of it.
* Tree Form - Currently it's detrimental in pvp, redundant with druid hybridity, and unnecessary in 5-mans
* balance is no longer the ugly stepchild. It's perfectly viable for grinding and lets you do well in instances, I leveled feral, a friend leveled moonkin and we seemed to level about the same rate.
* tree of life form will be very viable for pve, but it's definitely not there for leveling or grinding. heavy resto grants some benefits other than treeform, but in treeform, one of our druids was able to heal over 1k per tick


* Rage normalization seems primarily future-proofing for further expansions and such. Sword and board wars get a tad bit more, fury about the same or a tad bit less. Doom and gloom predictions are unwarranted.
* Slam- I recall it got a positive change...*blush* all I remember, sorry.
* Reportedly nobody on Alpha even noticed rage normalization until the Devs posted it in the General forums.
* Overall, warrior dps seems more in flux. It will shift as gear changes of course.
* As of ALPHA, rage wasn't actually normalized--it was simply nerfed. The amount of rage per damage (2H) seemed to go down by about 30-35%
* Players were reporting that even when using poor gear and NO weapon, they were seeing a decrease in the amount of rage in alpha/retail. In order for rage to be "normalized" we would expect that players doing less damage (i.e. defensive tanks) would see an increase in rage gained through attacks. That is not the case, at the moment.


* The Priest talent Circle of Healing. This can be used outside of your own party.
* Pain Suppression (41pt Disc talent) can be dispelled
* Vampiric Touch and Vampiric Embrace can both be active on a target per priest.
* Misery and Shadow Weaving seem to stack
* Heal r2 which hits 1400 now with +900 healing on TBC it hits for about 850-90
* All healing talents in BC are multiapplicative and also include +healing effects.
Renew rank10: base healing 970
With +1000 healing: 1970
Imp renew (15%) : 2265
Spiritual Healing (10%) : 2492


* PVP town- Called halaa, so much fun it should be illegal. Just absurdly amusing, AMAZING strategicly, absolute blast in every sense in every situation. So good there was a thread that had about 5-10 posts called 'Praise halaa' (if you don't get the pun shame on you). Can't say enough good about this
* PVP- Thus far (NOT A PVPER), stamina has outpaced damage to an unreal level. 1vs1 is no longer burst but 1 minute battles between equal gear


* The super health and mana potion injectors are basically just a way to stack potions to 20 instead of 5. They require 20 of the appropriate potion to make and they share the potion cooldown
* Goblin Rocket Launcher. 5 minute cooldown, 5 second cast, 50 yard range. It does 960-1440 fire damage and stuns for 3 seconds while also knocking you down.
* You will need about 100 runecloth to take first aid to 330, then bandages with the new cloth, which drops quite liberally (i cant remember the name now) up to 375.
* Disenchanting now requires 225 skill.So no more lvl 1 shard mules.
* Also some enchants are now lvl capped.Eg Crusader,+15 agi,+100hp etc.No more uber twinks either.
* They added a new mechanic to alchemy where you can spontaneously 'discover' new recipes while creating potions.
* fel lotus, used to create the new flasks, is a random drop off regular herb nodes (like swiftthistle) rather than a separate plant
* other nifty additions to herbalism, you can gather herbs off certain types of mobs, certain herb spawns give you a buff when picked, random chance for some BoP consumables from herb spawns
* Herbalism - Fel Blossom is a random drop from Felweed, it's a 750-1250 (IIRC) damage shield type consumable, and BoP
* a type of node called flame something-or-another, that you can pick with herbalism. You don't actually get an herb from it but a consumable that increases your fire spell damage (by 80 I think?) or adds a fire proc to your weapon for a limited amount of time.
* Jewelcrafting - start stocking non-green ores/bars and some gems. save up a lot of ore and any spare gems you can acquire. A lot of copper bars are used early on.
* Have seen no use whatsoever for elementium, bloodvine, MC cores....
* Jewelcrafting - When prospecting ore, you always get "dust" (i.e. Thorium dust, Fel iron dust, etc.) that is vendor trash. Additionally, there is roughly a 60% chance to get a gem. I've seen double gems (one of each type) but never two of the same gem.
* The higher level of JC (260-300) required some annoying world mats like Mojo and essence of water/earth/undeath. It made it pretty hard to skill up.
* As far as I saw, for all professions all new 300+ skills use purely BC materials.

Flying Mounts

* Expert Riding-Requires lvl 70, Riding (150) allows the player to ride flying mounts that require riding skill of 225 800 gold
* Artisan Riding- Requires lvl 70, Riding (225) allows the player to ride fast flying mounts that require riding skill of 300 5000gold

Faction Reputations

To go from Unfriendly to Neutral with Sporeggar (think mushroom smurfs), you have a choice of three things:
1) Kill Bog Lords and Fungal Giants for 10 rep each.
2) Pick up Mature Spore Sacs in the Spawning Glen and return 10 for 400 rep (repeatable, the sacs are common and respawn fairly fast)
3) Turn in 10 Bog Lord Tendrils, which are about a 10% drop off Bog Lords and Fungal Giants (400 rep, repeatable)

For Cenarion Expedition faction, you can either grind nagas at 5 rep each til friendly, OR you can turn in 10 Unidentified Plant Parts (dropped by any non-humanoid mob in the zone) and get 400 rep (repeatable) and a bag containing: 2 stacks of vendor trash, 1 stack of edible plants, and a ~50% chance at at "Unregistered Plant Species", which starts a (repeatable) quest to talk to the NPC you're standing right next to for 500 more expedition rep. EDIT: Unlike the Sporeggar quests, this one lasts from Neutral til at least Revered. Sporeggar gets a new batch of quests at every rep level.

There's still a grind but its much shorter. I went from Unfriendly to Honored with three factions in one day, just from doing the repeatable turn ins. This was turning in the drops I had gotten from running around doing other stuff and does not include rep you get from quests (which was frequently 4 digits).


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