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Themen - Shadowcaster

Seiten: 1 2 3 [4] 5 6 ... 11
Also man kann ja jeden Scheiß mich Terrorismus begründen!
Bundestrojaner, E-Mail-Überwachung, Kameras an öffentlichen Plätzen, ...

Aber die Argumentationskette vom Terrorismus zu sexueller Orientierung sowie Gewerkschaftsangehörigkeit ist irgendwie auch mit der größten Fantasie an mir vorbeigegangen.

Regierung will persönliche Bürgerdaten an die USA liefern
Gewerkschaftsmitgliedschaft und sexuelle Orientierung werden offengelegt

Im Rahmen eines Sicherheitsabkommens will die Bundesregierung umfangreiche Daten zu Gewerkschaftsmitgliedschaft und sexueller Orientierung von Bürgern, die möglicherweise Terroranschläge planen könnten, an die USA liefern. Der Bundestag wurde erst nach der Paraphierung informiert.

Quelle: Golem

Konsolen / Wii Fit
« am: 27. April 2008, 17:01:34 »
Hat das schon jemand? Wie ist es? Im Internet liest man ja viel Gutes darüber.

PC / Trackmania Nations Forever als kostenloser Download online
« am: 18. April 2008, 19:59:01 »
Neue Version des Fun-Racers mit neuen Strecken und vielen Überarbeitungen

Das Entwicklerteam Nadeo und Publisher Deep Silver haben den Fun-Racer Trackmania Nations Forever als kostenlosen Download veröffentlicht. Ab sofort brettern PC-Piloten in der aktuellen Version wieder über mehr oder weniger gefährliche Pisten.


Sind knapp über 500MB.

Zeitgeschehen / Avatare im Netz und der Urheberschutz
« am: 16. März 2008, 12:57:15 »
Quelle: Netzzeitung

Hard-/Soft- und Nerdware / Windows 7 und IE8
« am: 06. März 2008, 13:29:05 »
Bilder von Windows 7:
* xonio
* xonio fotostrecke
* istartedsomething

IE8 Beta 1 ist draußen (und das Teil schafft den Acid-Test wieder nicht):
* Golem
* Download

Off Topic / Youtube: Videos zu pixelig?
« am: 03. März 2008, 16:17:13 »
YouTube: sechs Buchstaben für ein besseres Bild (Quelle: Spiegel Netzwelt Ticker)

Viele der Filmchen, die auf YouTube zu besichtigen sind, bestechen nicht gerade durch ihre Bildqualität. Die meist verwackelten Clips sind oft unscharf, haben einen miesen Sound. Als Google im November 2007 eine höhere Auflösung und damit bessere Qualität ankündigte, war die Usergemeinde entsprechend erwartungsfroh. Nur ist seitdem nicht viel geschehen. Es sei denn, der Nutzer hilft sich selbst und sorgt mit einer kleinen Veränderung für ein klares Bild. Sechs Buchstaben bringen den Durchblick, es muss lediglich " &fmt=6" (ohne Anführungsstriche) an die Internetadresse des Films angehängt werden, wie das "GoogleWatchBlog" verrät.

Auf diese Weise wird die Briefmarkenauflösung von üblicherweise 320 x 240 Pixel erhöht und die Tonqualität nimmt vernehmlich zu. Das funktioniert allerdings nur mit Filmen, die ursprünglich in einer hohen Auflösung hochgeladen und erst danach von YouTube selbst "kleingerechnet" worden sind.

Habs selber noch nicht ausprobiert.

PC / Entwickler von Titan Quest am Ende
« am: 29. Februar 2008, 13:39:14 »
US-Studio Iron Lore stellt Geschäftsbetrieb ein

Erfolgreiches Spiel produziert - trotzdem "Game Over": Diese bittere Erfahrung muss das amerikanische Entwicklerteam Iron Lore machen. Die Schöpfer von Titan Quest schließen aus finanziellen Gründen ihre Pforten. Ihr letztes Werk erscheint erst noch: Anfang März 2008 kommt die Auftragsarbeit "Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War - Soulstorm" in die deutschen Läden.

[Quelle: Golem]

Zunfthaus Eriador / Mineralien Einkaufspreise
« am: 25. Februar 2008, 20:31:04 »
Hab Prospector gelernt und wollte mal schauen wer Interesse an Mineralien hat und bin bereit mein Zeug für die Corp die Gilde billiger weiterzugeben.

- 26x Kupferbarren
- 28x Zinnbarren
- 1x Heavy Quilted Armour Receipe
- 1x Heaven Rowan Bow Receipe
- 1x Elven Shoulder Guards Receipe
- 1x Heavy Ash Bow Receipe
- Cowl
- 3x Coal Lumps
- 5x Copper Salts

Bei Interesse und so, plz post.


US-amerikanische Geheimdienste sind laut einem Bericht von "wired.com" damit beschäftigt, ein Programm zu entwerfen, welches Terroristen aufspüren soll, die sich Online-Rollenspielen wie "World of Warcraft" aufhalten.

[Quelle: Shortnews]
[Ursprung: Wired]

Oder es wird doch nur ne billige Web-Lösung die EvE Killboards parsen kann... ;)

Eve Online / The dustmen take to space!
« am: 15. Februar 2008, 16:39:35 »
Hier aus Auszug aus den neuesten Devblog. Und ich kann zu dem Thema nur sagen: Endlich!

Hey everyone! This is Prism X, EVE's database developer, with his first ever Dev Blog. I do not get to do many of these as most of my job revolves around the things behind the scenes, but I reckon there might be a second one someday. As CCP grows in size more and more people with database experience are drafted into our ranks and my focus thus shifts elsewhere where it is required. Currently it is shifting towards announcing one of the features in the upcoming Trinity 1.1 update. The cleanup of space-junk!

The How
The functionality itself depends on the type of space junk in question.

Generic Junk
The following item groups are defined as generic junk: Drones, Fighters, Shuttles and Rookie Ships. Generic space junk will be removed (Read: permanently deleted) from open space the first of every month. As generic junk of this kind has been purposely left floating in space for logistical reasons there is an exception to this rule. See below.

Anchorable Containers
Anchorable containers will from now on have a 30 day lifetime from last usage. This means that once you anchor a container it will gain an "Expires In:" attribute. If this container enters downtime with 0 days left it will be removed from space. Last usage is either when it was last anchored or opened. This means that as long as you take care of your space cache every month, it will be safe. However, if you leave an unanchored container it will be removed immediately the next down time. The same exception applies to anchorable containers as to generic junk (see below).

Here we can see an unanchored giant container and a recently anchored small one.

The Starbase Factor
To avoid disrupting logistics as much as possible, we decided to give Starbases a protective field from all Fedos, Dustmen and other factors which might remove your stuff. This means that both generic junk as well as the anchorable containers will not be removed if left in close proximity to Starbases. This is regardless of who owns the item, but keep in mind that leaving things outside enemy Starbases is probably not a good way to safeguard them and their content. This setup should allow for most heavily used item caches to remain useful, hidden caches will have to be maintained and abandoned caches will leave the game freeing up resources for us all.

The Why
Ever since we announced the Need For Speed (NFS) initiative we've been searching every nook and cranny for refactoring possibilities. However, it's not just about the refactoring of old features but also a frame of mind when coding the new features or, as in this case, it can be the driving factors behind the feature itself. We are all quite aware of all that space junk which never seems to go away. Granted, it's never a cache of Fighters we stumble across but who doesn't remember that anchored container in their old high-sec home? Yeah, the one that read "Prism X cna has Chezeeburgers!! ... Plz send ISK!" or something similarly witty. Remember how annoying you found it?

Not surprisingly, it turns out to be more than just an annoyance. I don't want to go into too many details (though I know some of you want me to) but it is common knowledge that upon entering any system you preload all (non-sensitive) information needed about the system from the node it's on. As this is frequently queried information the node caches - in pre-cache or on-demand cache depending on information - all this information so it does not need to query the live DB repeatedly for the same information.

So you jump into a system, during the session change all the information you need is transmitted to you from the SOL nodes different caches. This may include refreshing some parts of the caches from the live database as they may have been invalidated or flushed to make room for new, possibly more frequently used, items. Currently, all is well in space as you are the only living entity in this over-simplified example and every solar system you visit has a dedicated node. (Side note: In this example caching is more for 're-load' than 'pre-load' purposes).

Now, if we move back to reality and look at the actual scale of things and accept uncomfortable things such as limitations, things pan out a bit differently. You are now a part of approximately 30K players constantly moving between systems, and nodes, thus demanding new set of system information with every jump. Due to resource limitations we have many systems on one SOL node and only limited cache sizes for all the different caching services. Caches now get invalidated more frequently (Note: not all do, but due to limitations the less mission critical ones must) with more players requesting information from larger datasets.

Now let's imagine what happens to this information transfer if one system alone on the SOL node were to contain more cargo container information than can exist in the container cache at any given time (Note: this is simplification again. The nature of caching mechanisms is that you can never cache everything so this does apply in a more complex sense.). This means that whenever someone jumps into that system each and every cached cargo container on every other system on the node is invalidated to make room for the new info. Furthermore the system cannot cache in all the information in one go and, depending on implementation of the caching service, this can mean a whole bundle of redundant I/O's.

Now imagine all those containers are somebody's forgotten containers and they are causing your session changes to last longer, our database to be queried more frequently, more data to go over the wire etc. For no good reason, nobody is using them! This is the NFS initiative in a nutshell. With this implemented we're effectively increasing the container cache efficiency rather than just its capacity. Naturally increasing the capacity is not out of the question but the gain from a capacity increase is proportional to its efficiency.
Hence: The Space Junk must die!

The When
Like I mentioned earlier this is to be implemented in Trinity 1.1.
In the future we might tweak the expiry time on anchored containers, and depending on performance gain we might schedule the junk cleanup more frequently than once per month. Perhaps some sort of monthly anchoring charge would be in order. Nothing further is set in stone though. Nothing other than: The Space Junk must die!

DevBlog: The dustmen take to space!

Zeitgeschehen / E10: Viel Spaß mit älteren Autos:
« am: 12. Februar 2008, 17:52:37 »
Experten befürchten, dass viele ältere Autos den ab 2009 angebotenen E10-Biosprit nicht vertragen. Der Automobilclub von Deutschland rät Pkw-Besitzern, sich vom Hersteller eine Tauglichkeitsbescheinigung ausstellen zu lassen - um im Schadensfall klagen zu können.

Quelle: SPON

Etwas ältere Kompatibilitätsliste (ABC Brisbane):

Ford All petrol engine vehicles since 1986 will operate satisfactorily on E10 except as listed below. The following models may not operate satisfactorily on E10 fuel because of drivability concerns: Focus (All), F-series (1986-1992), Ka (All), Maverick (1988-1993), Mondeo (All), Transit (1996 onwards). The following models do not operate satisfactorily on E10 fuel: Capri (1989-1994), Courier (All), Econovan (pre-2002), Festiva (1991-1999), Laser 1.3L & 1.5L (1980-1989), Laser 1.6L (1989-2002), Raider (All), Telstar (All).

Mitsubishi All petrol engine vehicles since 1986 will operate satisfactorily on E10. Mitsubishi vehicles with carburettor fuel systems built before 1991 may experience hot fuel handling concerns and may experience a lower level of durability in some fuel system components.

Toyota All Toyota models manufactured locally or imported by Toyota Australia since 1987 will operate satisfactorily on E10 fuel except as listed below. The following models will not operate satisfactorily on E10 fuel due to material compatibility issues: Camry with carburettor engines pre July 1989 and Corolla pre July 1994. Supra - pre May 1993, Cressida - pre Feb 1993, Paseo - pre Aug 1995, Starlet - pre July 1999. Land Cruiser - pre Aug 1992, Coaster - pre Jan 1993, Dyna - pre May 1995, Tarago - pre Oct 1996, Hilux , Hiace, & 4 Runner - pre Aug 1997, Townace - pre Dec 1998.

Alfa Romeo All Alfa Romeo vehicles imported since 1998 must run on minimum 95 RON fuel (premium unleaded petrol). Post 1998 Alfa Romeo vehicles will operate satisfactorily on E5 ethanol blended petrol (European Standard EN 228). E10 ethanol blended petrol is not recommended as there are material compatibility and drivability issues. E10 may be used in emergency situations. E10 ethanol blended petrol is not recommended for earlier model Alfa Romeo vehicles due to material compatibility issues.

Audi All current Audi vehicles must run on minimum 95 RON fuel (premium unleaded petrol). All Audi vehicle models since 1986 will operate satisfactorily on E10 except as listed below: Audi A3 1.8L (Engine Code 'APG' 2000 onwards) and A4 2.0L (Engine Code 'ALT' 2001 onwards) will operate satisfactorily on E5 ethanol blended petrol (European Standard EN 228). However, E10 ethanol blended petrol is not recommended for these vehicle models as there are material compatibility and drivability issues. E10 may be used in emergency situations.

BMW All petrol engine vehicles since 1986 will operate satisfactorily on E10.

Citroen All Citroen vehicles are required to run on minimum 95 RON fuel (premium unleaded petrol). Citroen vehicles will operate satisfactorily on E5 blended petrol (European Standard EN 228). However, E10 blended petrol is not recommended because of drivability and/or material compatibility issues. E10 may be used in emergency situations.

Chrysler All petrol engine vehicles since 1986 will operate satisfactorily on E10.

Daewoo GMDaewoo does not recommend the use of ethanol blended petrol.

Daihatsu Use of E10 in any Daihatsu model vehicles is not recommended because of material incompatibility.

Honda All Honda vehicles should use the fuel recommended in the Owner's Manual. The following models will operate satisfactorily on E10: Insight - 2004 onwards; Civic range (including Civic Hybrid) - 2004 onwards; S2000 - 2004 onwards; CRV - 2003 onwards; MD-X - 2003 onwards; Accord & Accord Euro - 2003 onwards. Honda does not recommend E10 for other vehicle models because there may be drivability issues.

Hyundai Hyundai vehicles will operate satisfactorily on E10, but if engine drivability concerns occur revert back to 100% unleaded petrol.

Ferrari Ferrari does not recommend the use of ethanol blend petrol. E10 may be used in emergency situations.

Jaguar All petrol engine vehicles since 1986 will operate satisfactorily on E10.

Kia All petrol engined vehicles since 1996 willoperate satisfactorily on E10 but if engine driveability concerns occur revert back to 100% unleaded petrol. Please refer to Owner' s Manual for further details.

Land Rover All petrol engine vehicles since 1986 will operate satisfactorily on E10.

Lexus All models will operate satisfactorily on E10 except for the model listed below: The following model will not operate satisfactorily on E10 fuel: IS200 - pre May 2002.

Maserati Maserati does not recommend the use of ethanol blend petrol. E10 may be used in emergency situations.

Mazda Mazda 323 1.8L (1994 onwards), Mazda 323 2.0L (2001 onwards), Mazda2 (11/02 onwards), Mazda3 (All), Premacy (5/02 onwards), Mazda6 (8/02 onwards), 800M and Millenia (8/98 onwards), RX-8 (7/03 onwards), MPV (8/99 onwards), Tribute (All) and E-series (2002 fuel injected models onwards) vehicles will operate satisfactorily on E10. All other models not listed above do not operate satisfactorily on E10.

Mercedes-Benz All petrol engine vehicles since 1986 will operate satisfactorily on E10.

Nissan Nissan vehicles manufactured from 1 January 2004 onwards are capable of operation on ethanol-blended fuels up to E10 (10% ethanol), providing that blending of the ethanol component to the petroleum component of the fuel has been properly made at the fuel refinery (ie there is no "splash-blending" of the fuel). For Nissan vehicles manufactured prior to 1 January 2004, Nissan Australia does not recommend the use of E10 because of drivability concerns and/or material compatibility issues.

Peugeot All Peugeot vehicles are required to run on minimum 95 RON fuel (premium unleaded petrol). Peugeot vehicles will operate satisfactorily on E5 blended petrol (European Standard EN 228). However, E10 blended petrol is not recommended because of drivability and/or material compatibility issues. E10 may be used in emergency situations.

Rover Rover 75 (2001 onwards) vehicles may operate satisfactorily on E10. However, use of E10 may affect engine calibration and emissions.

Renault All petrol engine vehicles since 2001 will operate satisfactorily on E10 but Renault does not recommend its use

Saab All petrol engine vehicles since 1986 will operate satisfactorily on E10.

Subaru Subaru Liberty B4 (all year models) and Impreza WRX STI (1999 and 2000) do not operate satisfactorily on E10. All other since MY1990 petrol engine Subaru vehicles will operate satisfactorily on E10.

Suzuki Suzuki Alto, Mighty Boy, Wagon R+, Swift/Cino, Ignis Sport (1.5 litre requires 98RON), Sierra, Stockman, Vitara, X-90, Jimny (SOHC) and Super Carry vehicles do not operate satisfactorily on E10. Suzuki Baleno and Baleno GTX will operate satisfactorily on E10 but Suzuki does not recommend its use in these vehicles. Ignis (1.3 litre), Liana, Grand Vitara/XL-7, Jimny (DOHC) and Carry (1.3 litre) vehicles will operate satisfactorily on E10.

Volkswagen All Volkswagen vehicles will operate satisfactorily on E10, but Volkswagen does not recommend it.

Volvo All petrol engine vehicles since 1986 will operate satisfactorily on E10.

Zeitgeschehen / Horror: DREI STUNDEN OHNE E-MAIL
« am: 12. Februar 2008, 17:00:16 »
Totalausfall bei Blackberry

Wenn reisende Manager plötzlich hektisch ihre Notebooks hervorkramen, kann das nur eins bedeuten: Der Blackberry funktioniert nicht mehr. Ein Ausfall des mobilen Mail-Systems in den USA stürzte am Montag viele Nutzer in eine Krise.

Stuart Gold nutzte während des Ausfalls sein Laptop, um eingehende Mails sichten zu können. Gold: "Ich bin 300 Tage im Jahr unterwegs. Mein ganzes Leben befindet sich in meinem Blackberry: Meine Familie, meine Arbeit, meine Emotionen, alles."
"Die dürfen so etwas nicht mit mir machen", jammerte Gold.

[Quelle: SPON]

Wenn ich mal soweit bin lasse ich mich dort nieder wo es keinen Strom gibt...  :blue:

Hard-/Soft- und Nerdware / 20 Jahre Maniac Mansion
« am: 04. Februar 2008, 18:51:37 »
Zitat von: Loki
20 Jahre Manic Mansion @ Shoutbox

Maniac Mansion Speedrun - 9 minutes

Das Geheimnis der Kettensäge, Die Großvater-Uhr, Die Fähigkeit von Jeff
Entdeckungen in Maniac Mansion

/titel geändert

Konsolen / Wii Flash Games
« am: 02. Januar 2008, 20:40:59 »
Hat schonmal jemand wiicade.com versucht? Ne lustige Sammlung an Flashgames für den Wii-Opera :D

PC / FlightGear v1.0 is now available
« am: 28. Dezember 2007, 15:07:43 »
Hat sich schonmal jemand das Teil angeschaut?

FlightGear Homepage

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