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Autor Thema: Xsyon  (Gelesen 56184 mal)


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Re: Xsyon
« Antwort #240 am: 13. Februar 2011, 23:11:09 »
Jetzt geht's rund:

Zitat von: Xsyon
Update February 13

Hello Xsyon Citizens!

First an announcement.

We are in the process of setting up a second Xsyon world on European servers!

Players will be able to connect to both locations if they desire. You won't be forced to play on a particular server, but this will give European players much better connections if they choose to play on the new servers.

We are currently waiting on our host company to set up the new servers. The download server at our US location will also be upgraded and we are preparing an additional Trial server.

We are considering setting up additional servers in both the US and Europe that will be more war oriented where we will remove safe zones and make some adjustments. At the moment this is very likely, but we have no set date for this.

The server and client have been updated and patched out. The main reason for this update is to fix a problem with saving character schemes we discovered yesterday. This was the cause for data rollbacks yesterday and this morning. I will be carefully monitoring the server to make sure this issue is fixed.

We may wipe with the next update to clear out corrupted data to help us test a few final changes that are going in this week.

With this update:

Features and Revisions

- Tools have been revised. This is a step towards crafting revisions in progress that have been a long time coming and will be finished with the next update.

- Other crafting revisions are in progress. These will become more visible (with tooltips over icons) with the next update.

- Containers can be placed inside buildings. This will provide protection from decay. We are working to fix a few issues with placing containers through walls at the moment.

- Support for low net book resolutions.


- Quest goal input has been revised to ignore spaces and punctuation when searching for a matching valid name. Apostrophes can be entered but are not required to find a valid name.

- A major problem with saving character schemes was discovered and fixed.

What's going in before the final wipe?

As much as possible! At the moment we are focused on:
- Crafting revisions.
- Tribe placement corrections.
- Differences between Tribes and Homesteads (single player totems).
- Revised and safe starting locations.
- Unstuck command.
- Terraforming exploit fixes.

Before the launch we will continue with:
- Combat corrections. I started looking into this, but I switched to other more crucial changes
- Minor tribe improvements.
- Death adjustments.

At launch we will turn on:
- Many more creatures.
- New architecture parts.

For the first few days after the final wipe, only Tribes of 10 members will be able to place totems. I may lower this number, based on current tribe sizes after I examine the database.

After a few days, solo players will be able to claim Homesteads.

The European servers should be available before the end of the month.

What I am hoping to do with this is to stagger the launch so that you all don't feel rushed to play at once and that players can settle in nicely on the two servers without too much chaos!

We will then continue with improvements, additions and evolutions!

That's all for now. I apologize that I haven't been able to handle the FAQ questions recently. I will do so as soon as possible. With the new servers getting set up and plans to expand the team in March, there are many things taking priority right now.



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Re: Xsyon
« Antwort #241 am: 14. Februar 2011, 00:05:01 »
Klingt cool aber ich will ne Trial bevor ich mich dem Teufel verschreibe ;)


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Re: Xsyon
« Antwort #242 am: 14. Februar 2011, 00:46:18 »
Klingt cool aber ich will ne Trial bevor ich mich dem Teufel verschreibe ;)

We are currently waiting on our host company to set up the new servers. The download server at our US location will also be upgraded and we are preparing an additional Trial server.


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Re: Xsyon
« Antwort #243 am: 22. Februar 2011, 12:23:44 »
Es ist ziemlich unglaublich, was gerade in Xsyon abgeht.

 Der endgültige Release wurde wegen Serverproblemen auf den 18.3. verschoben (Vorbesteller bekommen zwei Wochen gut geschrieben) und KEINER SCHREIT! Überhaupt wird das Spiel auf ALLEN Foren, die ich dazu lese sehr positiv aufgenommen. Das Spiel ist trotz des momentanen unerträglichen Lags gerammelt voll.

 Und die Verbesserungen des letzten Monats allein sind zu zahlreich, dass ich sie hier Bock habe, aufzuzählen. Was eigentlich mein Projekt "Hilf einem unabhängigen Entwickler sein WISH durchzuziehen" angefangen hat, wird zu einem echten MMO-Geheimtipp.

 Bin gespannt, wie es weiter geht.

 Hier ein, leider wenig ausssagekräftiger, Screen vom aktuellen Build. Die Welt sieht jetzt richtig gut aus. Die Toons immer noch scheiße. Im Hintergrund ist eine Spielersiedlung im Entstehen.



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Re: Xsyon
« Antwort #244 am: 22. Februar 2011, 13:19:11 »
warum sollte jemand schreien, wenn der entwickler eine richtige entscheidung trifft?


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Re: Xsyon
« Antwort #245 am: 22. Februar 2011, 14:21:19 »
Weil einige Leute immer schreien.
* Skeltem guckt niemanden an.

Noch zwei Screens von heute diesmal:

 (Die große Pick ist mein Vorbestelle-Item)

Der Lag ist jetzt weg. Jetzt sollte der letzte Wipe kommen.


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Re: Xsyon
« Antwort #246 am: 22. Februar 2011, 18:23:37 »
(Die große Pick ist mein Vorbestelle-Item)

Dann müsste ich die auch noch haben ... ich muss wirklich mal wieder rein schauen. Aber die Grafik sieht noch immer so ... hässlich aus.
"Shooter mit Game-Pad spielen ist wie Suppe essen ohne Löffel. Geht auch irgendwie, aber danach ist man versaut." Hurz, 2014


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Re: Xsyon
« Antwort #247 am: 22. Februar 2011, 19:27:32 »
Tonight we're gonna party like its 2003


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Re: Xsyon
« Antwort #248 am: 22. Februar 2011, 23:35:32 »
Und das von jemandem, der WoW spielt! Acci, I am dissappoint.


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Re: Xsyon
« Antwort #249 am: 27. Februar 2011, 11:53:40 »
Ich spiel kein WoW, ich würde EVE spielen, wäre mein Rechner nicht endgültig kaputt. Hab die Modernisierung zu weit rausgeschoben. Arbeite gerade an einem 13" Laptop.


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Re: Xsyon
« Antwort #250 am: 28. Februar 2011, 22:45:45 »


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Re: Xsyon
« Antwort #251 am: 28. Februar 2011, 23:19:06 »
Ohne Worte

*edit* Hmmm. Falsch verstanden. Bloß, was schreib ich jetzt hier?
« Letzte Änderung: 01. März 2011, 00:15:05 von Sky »
"Yes I did. Absolutely. He was gonna hurt our dog."


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Re: Xsyon
« Antwort #252 am: 05. März 2011, 01:42:29 »
Zitat von: Xsyon
Update March 4

Hello Xsyon citizens!

I'd like to recap what's been going on for the past two weeks and give an update on what we're working on and what he have planned for the coming week.

On February 18th we attempted a final year zero wipe. As our dowload server shared a connection and firewall with our game servers, the heavy download traffic reached our bandwidth limit, interfering with game traffic and causing severe lag. This lag exposed various exploits and problems with tribe and totem placement which in turn led to crashes and bad data being saved. On the 19th, we decided to push forward the official launch for two weeks so that we could resolve the problems that surfaced. The major issues were as follows:

Heavy lag due to bandwidth limit:
This was resolved a week ago as we set up two new download servers separate from our game servers.

Tribe and totem exploits:
These were fixed and confirmed throught testing.

Corrupted data saving:
The saving system was revised with additional error checking, double back ups and automatic shut downs in the case of bad data being created. After a few days of server crashes and shut downs, both forced and due to problems in the code, we corrected all issues and since then the saving system has been running smoothly and rollbacks, if needed, are small and without data corruption.

Built up lag due to simultaneous terraforming activity and terrain actions:
After some optimizations we haven't been able to reproduce this lag in the past few days. We are wary that it may happen again, however. We've added some additional checks and measures so that if lag does build up again, we will be able to pinpoint the exact cause much easier in the future.

With all this out of the way, we are nearly ready for the final wipe and real start of Xsyon!

Here's what is currently in motion:

1) We will proceed with a clean slate for the Year Zero start.

The totem survey that we sent out resulted in over 70% of players that placed totems and roughly 90% of players that responded in favor of a clean start. In addition, many totems were not saved properly or were missing from the saved data.

2) The game will start with two game servers: War and Peace.

The main reason for this is to handle our current game population and anticipated growth over the next few months.

Although the lands beyond the green mist were created a long time ago, we spent a lot of time this past year improving the central active Tahoe zone. Our terrain artists are currently revising and improving the outer lands to match the central zone. The first expansion zone should be ready by the end of April. Currently, however, we can't clear the mist so we are limited to the Tahoe starting zone.

This limitation along with the recent addition of homesteads is crowding the starting zone with our current population. This is driving creatures too quickly into the green mist and not allowing enough active wilderness areas for creatures to breed. We have some additional changes to creature AI that will help resolve this issue, but at this point a two server solution is necessary.

Additionally, this solution will help with the land rush and reduce lag when the servers are full.

With an obvious existing split in the community between players who want more of a construction game and players that want to focus on PvP, we decided to use this as an opportunity for War and Peace servers.

- Both servers will allow for PvP.
- Both servers will retain our anti-griefing policies.
- Both servers will start off the same and change over time.
- Both servers will evolve with the player community.
- Players will have the option to create characters on both servers.

The War server will have safe zones removed during the Prelude. The plan is to evolve this server to focus more on tribal warfare and conquest as quickly as possible.

The Peace server will retain its safe zones with tribes having the options to engage in tribal warfare or allow PvP on tribal lands. This server will evolve more for the crafting and building community.

3) The final wipe and land rush will proceed in a controlled manner.

On the day of the final wipe, players will be able to enter the game and form their tribe charters, but not claim any land. This will allow tribes to form their groups and find their locations and then log on.

On the second day, players will be able to claim land, but terraforming will be turned off and combat will not be allowed on the Peace server. This will allow players to claim their lands without entire tribes being online, and once totems are placed, players can log off to reduce stress on the servers.

On the third day, everything will be turned on as normal and game play can begin.

We will do this do reduce potential lag and chaos. The goal of the early entry is for tribes and players to settle in, while the game will officially start with a creature reset on the 15th.


What's next:

We are currently preparing the War and Peace servers. These are at a new location that should provide us slightly better connectivity to players around the world. This won't result in a huge difference from our current game server, but any improvement is welcome. These should be completely set up by tomorrow.

A new launcher is almost ready but needs to be tested once the game servers are fully prepared.

I'm working on a few fixes and changes that I want done before the final wipe. If we encounter any built up lag in game tonight or this weekend, we will have to take some time to work on it as well.

As of now, I estimate we'll be ready by the middle of this coming week. I will post an update tomorrow to keep everyone informed of our progress.


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Re: Xsyon
« Antwort #253 am: 06. März 2011, 23:35:13 »
Die gute Informationspolitik von den Jungs erstaunt mich immer wieder.


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Re: Xsyon
« Antwort #254 am: 17. April 2012, 10:49:44 »

Hey Skeltem, gibts eigentlich was neues aus dieser Endzeitwelt?


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