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Autor Thema: [RP] Charstory  (Gelesen 1901 mal)


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[RP] Charstory
« am: 28. November 2006, 00:10:44 »
Seit ich Eve spiele, befallen mich Anwandlungen, die ich seit UO nicht mehr hatte, und ich habe tatsächlich eine Hintergrundgeschichte für meinen Char angefangen:

1 - Will
I was born in Rens Brutor Tribe Treasury station. At least I think so. I don't know my parents. But I know I spent my childhood in an orphanage in... well I already told you.
That orphanage, the Freedom Academy, was founded during the Minmatar revolution against the Amarr, for children that lost their parents in the fights, but more for parents who wanted to give away their children to join the fighting. And they frequently never came back.
After the war had finished, people could still give away their children if they said they join the fight. Of course they did not. I've seen many of the parents that put their offspring in the Freedom Academy later in the corridors of the station.
The place itself... well it was a place where we slept, ate and worked in large, rusty halls. It was not cold though, the Freedom Academy was close to the energy reactor of the station. Actually it was pretty hot in the working facilities, where we had "to work for freedom", as one of the overseers put it. Our job was to sort the biological waste of the station for fertilizer production. How everyone who was old enough to use his or her brain knew, we worked for the personal income of the administrative staff. The director even brought exotic dancers to his office at times.
As I found out later, after the war the funds for the orphanage were cut heavily, so the officials in charge back then turned the Freedom Academy into a profit oriented fertilizer factory – and their wards into forced workers. The Brutor Tribe tolerates it because it is always in need for fertilizer as a reward for pilots doing missions for the Tribe's agents.
Well, at least we learned reading, writing, and some maths. The food was ok.
At the age of 18, I left the Freedom Academy without looking back.

But I knew nothing about freedom after the Freedom Academy had dismissed me as a free citizen. So I wandered the corridors. Already pretty tired, I saw a sign in a display window – "waitress wanted". I took a closer look. The glass was greasy, dead flies lay on the ledge. A red neon sign told the name of the place: Rat. The interior was designed in shades of brown and green. The air looked not as clear as outside. Most guests were male and wore dark colors. The barkeeper was a Brutor with sunglasses. "Board and lodging included. Applicant must be fond of animals."
I entered and went to the barkeeper: "I'm here because of that ad..."
"Henry, another exemplar," he yelled, turning his head at a door behind him. "Please enter," he said.
Four girls were already inside the back room. A small gallente approached me: "Ah, welcome to the 'Rat'. Please take a seat. I think we are ready to start the assesment center."
He left, when he came back he lead a grey 1-meter-rat at a pink chord.
"To qualify for the job, you have to like Will – and Will must like you."
One girl ran away screaming. Another one got bitten into the hand when she approached Will. A third left thereafter. The fourth slapped at Will with her handbag and Henry threw her out.
I watched quite fascinated – I had never had such entertainment in the Freedom Academy. Will, who seemed a bit confused (not that I was a specialist in rat behaviour, but that was my impression) finally sat on my lap. He felt warm, his heart was beating fast. I touched his skin. His hair felt a bit stiffly, but flexible. He smelt a bit sweet (must have been some desodorant Henry used on him). I fondled him. His tail went up and down my legs. It did not feel bad at all – rather the opposite.
Henry looked at us, smiling: "You are engaged, Miss..." "Komaito," I said.
radiation... too much radiation...


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Re: [RP] Charstory
« Antwort #1 am: 29. November 2006, 00:06:00 »
Ja ganz gut der erste Block, aber irgendwie fehlt noch der Spannungsbogen :). Der zweite Block ist nicht so mein Ding.
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