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Autor Thema: Planetside 2  (Gelesen 284083 mal)


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Re: Planetside 2
« Antwort #120 am: 07. August 2012, 16:20:08 »
station cash habe ich auhc noch aus unerfindlichen gründen auf dem konto (nie was eingezahlt). werde es aber für den f2p shop aufbewahren^^

ich dachte ich hätte zugang, aber schienbar doch keinen invite bekommen. dauert bei mir wohl noch ein paar tage.


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Re: Planetside 2
« Antwort #121 am: 07. August 2012, 18:31:36 »
station cash habe ich auhc noch aus unerfindlichen gründen auf dem konto (nie was eingezahlt).

Das ist soviel wie du, bzw. deine persönlichen Daten ihnen wert sind, wenn ich mich recht erinnere.


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Re: Planetside 2
« Antwort #122 am: 07. August 2012, 20:22:57 »
Hmm, fast 2 Jahre Planetside gespielt und keine Beta für mich  :(


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Re: Planetside 2
« Antwort #123 am: 07. August 2012, 20:47:23 »
station cash habe ich auhc noch aus unerfindlichen gründen auf dem konto (nie was eingezahlt).

Das ist soviel wie du, bzw. deine persönlichen Daten ihnen wert sind, wenn ich mich recht erinnere.
ah, ok. jetzt erinnere ich mich wieder. hab scheinbar cash bekommen, obwohl ich nicht betroffen gewesen bin. da gab es ja mal vor langer zeit eine systemumstellung und da wurden meine aktuellen daten nicht mit übernommen, bzw ich hatte die damals gar nicht hinterlegt. somit wurde auch ncihts gestohlen^^

Hmm, fast 2 Jahre Planetside gespielt und keine Beta für mich  :(
dazu hab ich weiter oben was geschrieben.

hier nochmal deine extrawurst:

John Smedley ‏@j_smedley

also - Planetside 1 Vets - if you don't have a current sub you are not in this phase. you're in very soon though if you registered for beta

btw... das ist das erste mal, das ich einen firmencheff erlebe, der die arbeit von community managern übernimmt und diese zudem sogar noch weit besser macht^^
« Letzte Änderung: 07. August 2012, 20:53:57 von Baumstumpf »


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Re: Planetside 2
« Antwort #124 am: 08. August 2012, 01:27:28 »
Puh, paar mal gecrasht, schwankende FPS von 60 bis plötzlich 0,2 FPS, dann in der Respawn-Tube in einer Suicide-Loop gefangen gewesen und voll auf die Fresse gekriegt. Ich probiers am Wochenende nochmal  ::)
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Re: Planetside 2
« Antwort #125 am: 08. August 2012, 01:45:52 »
will auch!   :blue:


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Re: Planetside 2
« Antwort #126 am: 08. August 2012, 09:17:07 »
Soll ich ein paar Videos machen wie sehr meine FPS-Skills eingerostet sind? :D

Die Engine an sich ist nicht schlecht, die Texturen mancher Gebäude sind bissl schwammig, aber nix was groß auffällt. Allerdings leakt der Client Speicher wie ein rostiger Eimer durch den eine Ladung Schrot geballert wurde. Wenn er die 2 GB voll macht stürzt er einfach ab.

Lustigstes Erlebnis bisher: Das erste oder zweite mal auf "Respawn" geklickt, anschließend die Gegend von weit oben gesehen und natürlich nach unten gefallen. Mein erster Gedanke war "cooler Respawn-Effekt, mit auf der Karte reinzommen und so". Dann kam der "SUICIDE - Stop killing yourself" Schriftzug.
Außerdem lässt mich mein Schaf nicht mehr ran


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Re: Planetside 2
« Antwort #127 am: 08. August 2012, 14:49:01 »


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Re: Planetside 2
« Antwort #128 am: 08. August 2012, 15:09:09 »
btw. gibt es eigentlich schon andere kontinente in der beta, als den im wüstensetting? und kann man schon sehen womit die ihr geld verdienen wollen? ^^


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Re: Planetside 2
« Antwort #129 am: 09. August 2012, 14:53:29 »
ein langes video aus der planetside 2 beta:

es sieht sooo nice aus :)


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Re: Planetside 2
« Antwort #130 am: 10. August 2012, 04:36:20 »

Matt Higbys channel. Ist wegen west coast etwas blöde zeit aber hoffentlich gibts auch Aufnahmen.


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Re: Planetside 2
« Antwort #131 am: 12. August 2012, 03:48:50 »
smedley hat ein großes posting zu planetside 2 in seinem blog veröffentlicht. ich hab mal ein paar interessante passagen markiert, wie die, wo er vergleiche mit eve online zieht:


f2p monetarisierung:
We aren't going crazy with making you spend a month to buy a gun. In some cases it may be as low as 3-4 hours to buy the cheaper guns and for the expensive stuff it might be 10-15 hours. We're still working all that out so those numbers are just examples. We want to make money but we want players to feel like they can play without paying. Our theory is simple - people that don't pay are still providing content for the people that do. The game I would say we are closest to with our business model is League of Legends. We are doing our very best to build a huge player community. We don't want to alienate players with a business model that people feel bad about. We have to pay the bills and our goal with this game is obviously to make an awesome game but we also have to make a profit. We also plan on having extensive customization options which we will likely only be letting players pay with Station Cash for. We'll also have convenience items that will speed up experience gain for a short time and other things like that. What we won't be doing is pay to win. We play this game too. We're not fans of that. Frankly I won't personally play games that do that and I plan on playing the hell out of PS2. Why are we going F2P instead of normal subscription or a box with no sub? Simple - we want to have a massive number of players and not charging anything up front or forcing a sub on people will give us a much bigger number. Our theory is over time enough people will spend that we'll be very successful. We also don't want to charge for things like new continents or new planets (in the future). We don't want to split the player base up. My opinion is this is bad for games like MW3 and BF3. It splits the player base up. That hurts in a game like Planetside 2 and we don't want it.

ist drin:
So what is it?

Planetside 2 Is a massively multiplayer first person shooter game made by Sony Online Entertainment. The game is played in on gigantic open world continents with up to 2000 other players on a single continent. When we say it's massively multiplayer we're not talking about a bunch of instances like other games. All 2000 people are literally playing together and fighting in massive battles that aren't forced into tiny little arenas like other FPS games. Each player chooses to play on one of 3 empires… the New Conglomerate, The Terran Republic and the Vanu Sovereignty. It takes place in the distant future and each empire has a unique playstyle. Probably the closest comparison in terms of the empires would be a game like Starcraft II by Blizzard where each of the different races has a very unique playstyle and feel to it.

How does it compare to other FPS games and to other MMO games?

As I said before it is truly a massively multiplayer game and you can actually be playing with 2000 other people on the same continent. But there are a lot of other differences that are very core to the experience when compared to other FPS games and other MMOs. As an FPS our goal has been to give it the graphical fidelity of a modern shooter in the same quality level as a Modern Warfare 3 or a Battlefield 3. Between those two games it is probably closer in play style to Battlefield 3 because it takes place on very large maps (although a continent in Planetside 2 is roughly 16 times the size of the largest BF3 map) and it has vehicle based gameplay. At present we have infantry, land vehicles and air vehicles all playing in the same environment. Down the line we plan on adding water based vehicles. The game is fast paced and is skill based, but unlike many shooters we offer character progression beyond just the standard unlocks found in other games or simple rank progression. Yes that stuff is very cool and works well in other shooters. The persistence in Planetside 2 is in many dimensions. Here's what I think makes us different:

1) We also have a very deep certification system. This system is something you advance through by gaining certification points (cert points) by playing (you will also be able to earn those points offline so you can keep up with your friends, although at a reduced rate). You spend those cert points on abilities in-game that can enhance your weapons, your vehicles and your character's class abilities and many other things.
This certification system is far deeper than traditional unlocks in normal FPS games. It allows your character to truly be very different from other characters.. even ones that have played the same amount of time as you have. Our goal is to provide very deep and meaningful progression and attachment to your character.
We made the decision to make this a time investment based system to give you the ability to customize your play style in ways that matter to you. It's not a simple unlock system. This system is a combination of the deep skills in a game like Eve Online combined with runes and masteries in League of Legends combined with unlocks in more traditional FPS games. The simple goal here was to make Planetside 2 insanely deep. We want people that play with different play styles to really be able to go crazy with their character's depth. We want literally years worth of certifications. I do want to make clear though that this is still a skill based game. A person with years of certs trained can still be shot down quickly by a noob that's a better shot. It's about being able to play the way you want to play.

2) Planetside 2 has the deepest team based gameplay of any FPS. We allow groups of 12 to form a squad. We allow 4 squads to form a platoon. Players can make an outfit (think Clan or Guild) with 300 people in it and all of you can play at once.. together. We have built Planetside 2 from the ground up to be about organized groups of players. We have a lot of leadership certifications that give leaders special abilities. In fact being a leader doesn't even mean you're the best player. A person who wants to specialize in leadership could spend a year leveling up a bunch of certs that give him the ability to level up his squad or platoon mates and give them a buff. Or the ability to drop a squad spawn beacon. Or the ability to promote people within his outfit.. or allow special chat abilities or voice abilities.. or having special chat channels that are set up by rank. We designed Planetside 2 to have the largest scale organized operations of any FPS ever made. You can literally go to war together and live and die together in a way that you just can't in any other FPS ever. Does this mean that you can't be a lone wolf in the game? No. You most certainly can be a lone wolf. We think that a big part of what makes Planetside 2 special is this amazing experience of large scale gameplay that you just can't get in any other FPS. If you want to compare it to anything, it's probably fair to say this particular aspect it's like an FPS version of Eve Online. We had a lot of this back in the original Planetside in 2003, but we've amped it up and made it more awesome with modern technology. We've put a lot of emphasis into high quality voice features (you literally could be addressing your entire 500 person outfit via voice).

3) Immersive world - Planetside 2 is very unique in the vast scale of our continents. It also has a complete day/night cycle. That changes everything gameplay wise. When you're fighting over a base that fight could literally take place over a day in-game that slowly turns to night. It's amazing to see that happen and it really changes how you play. It makes stealth matter in a big way, and it also means night vision equipment matters. Stealth really changes at night too. One of our biggest long term goals is to add weather to the planet that materially impacts gameplay. Imagine a sandstorm that grounds aircraft or blinds infantry or sweeps over the desert plain making visibility really bad. Our large scale also changes something really fundamental - there are no separate levels like normal FPS games. There are tons of bases and locations in many different parts of the map that are completely different from one another. We have huge sprawling bases that take combined forces to attack as well as a massive biodome where only infantry can get inside. Also territory matter in a material way. High ground matters. You can sit in a tank and literally shell the heck out of a base in the canyon beneath you. There has never been a game that has this kind of scale.

4) The game doesn't have an end - This is a massive difference between Planetside 2 and every FPS out there. It isn't round based. There isn't a winner and a loser. It truly never ends. you could log out at night after the NC have taken over an entire continent and log back in the next morning and the Vanu have fought back and beaten the NC back to their warp gate. I have been asked an awful lot about this one point - some people see this as a bad thing. People say "what's the point?". Please think carefully about that. What is the point of playing a round of BF3 or MW3? There is a winning team and a losing team. Then it starts all over. That gives people the satisfaction of knowing they accomplished something. Planetside 2 has that exact same thing.. just on an enormous scale. You can fight over a base for 3 hours… and succeed in taking it over. People from the original Planetside still talk about taking over certain bases and the amazing feeling of accomplishing an organized strike that took 2 days to take over a base. We have leader boards.. and stat advancement just like those other games. Planetside 2 is different in that the world is persistent. That doesn't mean it's static. It changes based on player actions. It changes based on YOUR actions. What you and your team does matters in Planetside 2. You do get that same feeling of accomplishment over "winning" a match. in this case it's just taking over one small part of the map. This never ending thing really confuses some people that have only ever played round based FPS games. I understand why, but once they play for a while it's the kind of thing you quickly realize adds an amazing dimension to an FPS. In Planetside 2 you're fighting for your Empire and you're fighting for your outfit.. or your squad. And when you log out for dinner and then log back in, that same fight you were a part of could still be raging.

5) Community - Other FPS games have great communities. What makes Planetside 2 different is the size of the server community you are playing on. I've always loved playing on the same servers for long periods of time in BF2 and BF3. I like seeing the same people every night. you get to know people and that's a big part of why I play online games. Planetside 2 has the same thing on a much larger scale.

6) Resource based gameplay and territorial control - One very key aspect of Planetside 2 is that on each continent we have the concept of territorial control. If you look on the map you'll see hexes that each side owns. Owning territory in Planetside 2 gives your empire physical resources. Those resources have a material impact on the game. If your empire doesn't own very many Polymers and Polymers are a major component of grenades or Galaxies.. your empire may not be able to spawn those things. This gives you a major reason to fight.. and to fight over particular territory. Our goal with this is to make a scarcity model that helps to frame the battle and the front lines. It's to your strategic advantage to take certain territory to allow you to do things in game your opponents can't. We also have big plans for why this is going to matter in the future which I'll explain below.

7) Familiar gameplay - Planetside 2 plays like other shooters in it's moment to moment gameplay  - it uses the same basic controls as just about every shooter out there… we're probably most similar to BF3 because like that game we have vehicles and we've chosen controls that are standard across most FPS games. So you'll feel right at home immediately.

soll kommen:

First off, we have a 3 year plan. That's really big. We plan on putting that out to the users at some point in the near future. This isn't some "vision" we plan on imparting on our players. It's our thoughts on what we think would be cool. We will listen to our users feedback and make changes based on that feedback. We think we have some killer ideas but our players have pretty good ones too! I want to be super clear here - these are just some of the ideas. The team has a ton.

Here are just a few cornerstone ideas we are considering. I want to be crystal clear and say that these are NOT promises these are ideas.. some of which may be canned. That thinking can change. It can even change fast. I just want you to understand we are looking to support this game for a very long time and add a lot of features to it.

1) Player Owned bases - we plan on releasing continents that are empty or partially empty where players can build their own bases. These are open world bases so others will be able to attack them. We're also planning on having these continents heavily resource based with new resource types that will be very rare..and lots of cool new stuff that can be built out of these new resources.

2) Harvestable resources - imagine SC II style resource harvesting with physical vehicles doing the mining or the harvesting.

3) Water between continents - seamlessly - this is really hard tech, but our goal is to make the whole planet seamless and allow water based vehicles.

4) Lots more vehicles and weapons - just what it sounds like. Many of these will take very rare resources to make.

5) NPC enemies - I don't want to call this PVE. That's not exactly what we have in mind. More like a global invasion that goes after everybody. This isn't a bunch of quest givers saying "go kill 10 rats" - this is bad ass aliens that want to gut you.

6) NPC armies - imagine as the commander of a base sending an NPC army towards another base MOBA style except it's in the middle of the Planetside 2. This isn't another game mode. It's all part of the same game.

7) Esports support - we plan on doing this pretty soon after launch. We plan on making this a big big thing and putting a lot of our resources behind it.

8) Weather

9) Mac version (soon after launch).

Like I said - some of these are just ideas.. some are already planned for the near term. Expect us to lay this out clearly and expect this soon.


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Re: Planetside 2
« Antwort #132 am: 15. August 2012, 19:24:36 »

It works.

Planetside 2 feels way too good to be true. It's a stupidly ambitious FPS, the kind of game dreams are made of: a perpetual online war between players waged across continents. My fear had been a simple one: that it would have to be at least as good an FPS as Battlefield or Tribes, but you know, big. In the previous game, that scale meant compromises. Guns that didn't feel like guns. Odd movement physics. Planetside 2 doesn't have that. It just works.

I played for at least an hour, defending a tower from waves of foes. It brought back great, great memories. By the end of it, I wasn't just convinced that Planetside 2 was going to work. I was absolutely entranced. The basic mechanics are essentially the same as those of the first game. You join a squad, you can spawn on that squad via a drop-pod falling out of the sky. You can spot targets by pressing the Q button. You shoot guns by pressing the... You know all of this stuff already. It just works.

Here's what made it special. In the heat of Gamescom, with players coming and going, with an unfamiliar mouse, with people still trying to work out the game, with everything set against it, I think I just played the most fun round of guns for years. There was a moment - I spawn with my squad, two guys in MAX suits, the other a sniper, and we're creeping toward the objective. It's night, so tracer rounds are lighting up the tower we're fighting over. The guns far above us sound distant and quiet - a calm kind of shootout.

We come across another squad and scatter; MAX suits pounding away. I drop to a crouch and take aim - as another player spots the rest of the opposition. It's all over in a second. We're congratulating oursleves by jumping up and down and being hilarious when a enemy Vanu tank crests the hill and takes aim. Ffffuuuuuuuu.

It's just a tiny moment, a snapshot of a battle. Not even that interesting. But it felt so right, so real. Even on a throwaway account on an anonymous machine in a separate country, you could feel the weight of the war that would continue without you.

Holy shit. It works.


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Re: Planetside 2
« Antwort #133 am: 16. August 2012, 11:49:45 »
Du hast aber schon ordentlich das Höschen nass...


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Re: Planetside 2
« Antwort #134 am: 16. August 2012, 11:56:53 »
Das Spiel ist aber schon gut. Nur im Moment hocken alle in MAX rum, weil es sich bei der Basenverteidigung kaum lohnt irgendwas anderes zu nehmen. Komme leider nicht so zum Zocken, und GW2 interessiert mich im Moment mehr als PS2.
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