
Trident spielt(e) => Eve Online => Thema gestartet von: Skeltem am 16. September 2007, 23:34:21

Titel: CCP Ginger's DevBlog zu Factional Warfare.
Beitrag von: Skeltem am 16. September 2007, 23:34:21
I lol'd  ( :lol:

Zitat von: CCP Ginger
Once upon a time, Oveur and Hammerhead were sitting down, eating burgers and drinking. They were discussing Factional Warfare and the 101 design documents we had on it. Then they drank some more and had an inspiration and in an attempt to be cool game developers and creative types they wrote their ideas down on a napkin. The result of this got drawn up on our internal design tracking system the next day.

Zitat von: CCP Ginger
So, then a wild design spree started and many ideas were bounced, a lot of beer was drunk, a large quantity of pizza was devoured, and at the end of it all was something everyone looked at and called Factional Warfare, version Awesome.

 Leider wird das mit dem FW wohl dieses Jahr nichts mehr. Aber die Dinge, die sie so rauslassen, lesen sich zumindest interessant:

* Factional warfare will be fiction heavy. There will be strong story leading up to it; there will be a strong fictional background around it.
    * It will be up to you if you choose to immerse yourself in fictional side or not, there will be no requirement to role-play.
    * It will not be instanced warfare; all of EVE is a battleground.
    * It will be centered around low security space, but not exclusively.
    * Opposing Faction navies will take a sudden dislike to you fighting for their enemies. The pansies who currently take you on will most likely get fired and replaced with people who know how to shoot.
    * There will be no "PvP lite".
    * The first release will only involve the four Empires, but we have every intention of expanding this in the future so you can attack the pirate organizations or even declare war on the Empire factions.
    * You will not need to leave your corporation to join factional warfare. Individuals as well as corporations can join the cause.
    * It won't be restricted game play, it will still be EVE and EVE is a free form sandbox, this is just another type of sand.
    * Fighting for an faction will have negative consequences on the enemy faction.
Titel: Re: CCP Ginger's DevBlog zu Factional Warfare.
Beitrag von: Shadowcaster am 16. September 2007, 23:38:30
Hey Skeltem, dann kannste endlich dein Gallente-Standing noch mehr pushen... ;)
Titel: Re: CCP Ginger's DevBlog zu Factional Warfare.
Beitrag von: Skeltem am 16. September 2007, 23:52:09
Titel: Re: CCP Ginger's DevBlog zu Factional Warfare.
Beitrag von: Accipiter am 17. September 2007, 00:17:45
Das war die geilste Line im Chat ever: "Der Agent ist Gallente..."
Titel: Re: CCP Ginger's DevBlog zu Factional Warfare.
Beitrag von: Accipiter am 17. September 2007, 00:27:50
Und das "The Vision" im Blog erinnert mich grad irgendwie an "The Vision" von GU Comics ;)