
Trident spielt(e) => Eve Online => Thema gestartet von: Shadowcaster am 03. April 2007, 11:21:41

Titel: Coole Features von Relevations 2
Beitrag von: Shadowcaster am 03. April 2007, 11:21:41
New Clone System
The first implementation is a new advanced clone type. We call them “Generic Hosts for Optimal Secure Transport”, a bit of a mouthful but we like that here. Essentially this is a one off purchase clone that will exist in all stations. When you suffer a pod death, your brain gets zipped off to the nearest station and put in your new clone with no skill point loss, the clone immediately being replaced free of charge. An advanced feature of this clone is that it maps all implants in your head at time of death and rebuilds them in your new clone body.

New Insurance System
The second implementation is an upgraded insurance system from our good friends, Pend Insurance. There will now only be two types of insurance, “Common” and “Epic”.

Common Insurance does away with the annoyance of having to go out and buy a new ship, instead your ship will automatically be replaced by your friendly insurance company with a brand new model at the station you are revived in.

Epic insurance on the other hand, as well as replacing your ship also replaces all modules and cargo as well as fitting them on your ship (There will sometimes be slight damage to the modules being replaced due to their inferior quality). This does however, cost slightly more than the common insurance.

This not only improves play experience by saving you time, it also removes an another ISK faucet, helping us keep market inflation in check; it’s really a win-win situation!

Low Sec getting you down?
Hand in hand with these new systems comes a welcome addition for our less combat orientated player base. A new contract can be purchased from CONCORD much like you purchase your insurance currently, what this does is give you CONCORD protection in low security space. We find that the harsh realities of low sec are turning many players away and with this new contract in place, they can travel as freely as they do in high sec space. This should help solve the problem of populating low security space.

[Quelle (]
Titel: Re: Coole Features von Relevations 2
Beitrag von: Ulk am 03. April 2007, 11:25:31
stinkt nach aprilscherz.  :whistle1:
Titel: Re: Coole Features von Relevations 2
Beitrag von: Shadowcaster am 03. April 2007, 11:36:43
Since it's april 2nd, yes it was an april fools Blog. We will not be removing the death cost in EVE.

I still can't believe some people fell for this...

Assistant Community Manager
EVE Online

Gna, ich hasse es wenn ich zum 2. Mal auf einen Aprillscherz reinfalle.
Titel: Re: Coole Features von Relevations 2
Beitrag von: Vernatiger am 03. April 2007, 12:00:40
Das war ja mal richtig Offensichtlich. Spätestens bei den beiden Wörtern "Common" und "Epic" sollte es einem doch auffallen. ;)
Titel: Re: Coole Features von Relevations 2
Beitrag von: Extrawurst am 03. April 2007, 19:30:25
Oha da werden jetzt die Crafter, Transportpiloten und Miner das Fluchen anfangen!

Ich weiss schon warum ich sowas nicht mehr mache. Ich will auch endlich auf der Sonnenseite des RPG Lebens sitzen und fette Gewinne einfahren wärend sich die armen Socializer abrackern, um an mein leicht verdientes Geld zu kommen.
Da wir hier hauptsächlich von EVE reden und ich seit Wochen keine gescheiten Spawns mehr bekomme, streicht das mit dem leicht verdienten Geld wieder.

Verfluchte Aprillscherze am 3ten Aprill!
Titel: Re: Coole Features von Relevations 2
Beitrag von: Zidahya am 04. April 2007, 07:14:58
Puh die Klonegeschichte hab ich denen ja noch abgekauft, den Versicherungsteil auch noch irgendwie aber dann Concord in LowSec? Nee nee.... man das roch verdammt nach: "Mehr WoW nach EvE um die Subscriberzahlen zu erhöhen". Noch mal Glück gehabt.
Titel: Re: Coole Features von Relevations 2
Beitrag von: Extrawurst am 04. April 2007, 19:18:25
Ausserdem finde ich inzwischen, dass die Galaxis schon voll genug ist.