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Abkürzungen und ihre Bedeutung

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Wenn ihr was wisst, die Liste einfach vervollständigen. Danke

 'phoon   Typhoon Battleship (Min)
AB   AfterBurner
AP   Autopilot
Apoc   Apocalypse Battleship (Ama)
Ark   Arkanor Ore
BB   Blackbird Cruiser (also sometimes refers to Battleship) (Cal)
BCU        Ballistic Control Unit
Bist   Bistot Ore
BM   Bookmark
BP   Blueprint
BPC   Blueprint Copy
BPO   Blueprint Original
BS   Battleship
BYOB   Bring your own Blueprint
BYOM   Bring your own minerals
CCP   Crowd Control Productions
Ceptor  Interceptor
CM      Cruise Missile
CSM   Council for Stellar Management
Dom   Dominix Battleship
Domi    Dominix Battleship
ECCM   Electronic Counter Counter Measures
ECM   Electronic Counter Measures
Eff   Efficiency
EW   Electronic Warfare
Harv   Harvester Mining Drone
HC   Help Channel
Hed   Hedbergite Ore
Hem    Hemorphite Ore
Hemo   Hemorphite Ore
IC   In Character, Interstellar Correspondent, I see = verstehe
IGB   InGame Browser
Imi   Imicus Frigate (Gal)
ISD   Interstellar Services Department
ISK   Interstellar Kredits
Kern   Kernite Ore
M1, M2, ...   Miner1, Miner2, ... (Mining Lasers)
ME   Mineral Efficiency
Mega   Megathron Battleship (Gal), Megacyte mineral
Mex   Mexallon Mineral
MWD   Micro Warp Drive
Nocx / Nox   Nocxium Mineral
ODI   Overdrive Injector
P&P   People & Places
Plag   Plagioclase Ore
PoS   Pod On Sight
Prod   Production
PE   Production Efficiency
Pye   Pyerite Mineral
Pyro   Pyroxeres Ore
Rat   NPC Pirate
Rax   Thorax Cruiser
RCU    Reactor Control Unit
RE    Refining Efficiency
Ref   Refining
Ref Eff   Refining Efficiency
RoF   Rate of Fire
Roid    Asteroid
Scord   Scordite Ore
Scorp   Scorpion Battleship (CAL)
T2   Tech Level 2
Thron     Megathron (BS GAL)
Torp     Torpedo
TQ   Tranquility Server
T-rax   Thorax Cruiser (GAL)
Trit   Tritanium Mineral
uBPC   Unlimited Blueprint Copy
Veld   Veldspar Ore
Zyd   Zydrine Mineral

Vervollständigen geht ned, no mod rights.

CM (Cruise Missiles)

Vorschlag, hinter die Schiffsnamen die sich aus den Abkürzungen ergeben die Rasse schreiben.

(to) damp - Benutzung eines remote sensor dampeners
AF - Gemeint: Assault Frigate, richtig: Assault Ship
HAC - Gemeint: Heavy Assault Cruiser, richtig: Heavy Assault Ship
Op - Operation
Thron - Megathron Battleship (Gallente)

Avion Lore:
X - Looking for Gang/Fleet


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