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Mass Effect Andromeda

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Tjo, bin quasi mit der Demo Version durch.

Was mir direkt am anfang aufgefallen ist, bei dem Versuch einen Charakter zu erstellen: Man kann nur pickelige Hackfressen bauen. Realismus gut und schön, aber ich spiele lieber ästhetisch schöne Charaktäre als ein Ebenbild meiner selbst...
Außer vielleicht, wenn man eine Frau spielt, dann könnte es etwas besser sein, aber mein Char sieht aus, als würde er sich am Wochenende in Jogginghose hinterm nächsten Aldi zum Saufen treffen.

Bugs gibts auch noch einige, aber eher auch optischer Natur, Kroganer-Zähne, die durch die Unterlippe stechen, oder Hälse, die dicker als die Klamotten sind - schöne Clippingfehler, wo man nur hinschaut. Augen und Ohren sind generell merkwürdig. Vielleicht liegt das ganze auch dran, dass das spiel bei mir automatisch auf mittel eingestellt wurde, eine 900p auflösung generiert und auf 1080 hochskaliert -.- .. dafür ists super flüssig auf meiner GTX 760.

Ein gegner hat aus einem Felsen auf mich gefeuert, ein NPC ist durch mich durchgelaufen und die Teammitglieder klettern auf Gebäude, nur weil man sich mal dreht und die versuchen in der nähe zu bleiben.

Storytechnisch kann das spiel vielleicht einiges rausreißen - spass macht es. Man muss sich aber mit ein paar logikfehlern und der Tatsache zufrieden stellen, dass es wohl auf eine große Familienkiste hinausläuft.

oh btw, die Ladezeiten sind auch sehr gut, auch ohne SSD

p.s. - verbindungsabbruch zum server = spiel speichert nicht mehr

p.p.s - ach ja, das spiel heißt ja Mass Effect, nach dem Masseneffekt, der die größten Errungenschaften der Technik, vor allem im Bereich Bewegung und Waffen, darstellt. Und der Fortschritt hat gesagt... errrm... wir bewegen uns am besten mal irgendwie anders, weil ja keine Portale zur Verfügung stehen und im Bezug auf Waffen - das alte Prinzip von Munition ist doch sooo toll, nehmen wir das doch wieder. Ich frag mich gerade warum das spiel überhaupt Mass Effect heißt, wenn die Technik nicht drin vorkommt?!?


--- Zitat von: Neranja am 16. März 2017, 21:10:45 ---https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-msmx9yW5Q

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Jesus! Alle Achtung :D

Die ersten Pre-Reviews (die allerdings immer nur über die ersten paar Stunden reden durften) waren auch eher.... durchwachsen, um's mal positiv auszudrücken. Ich fühl mich da aktuell ganz gut dabei, bei dem Spiel nicht auf den Hype-Train aufgesprungen zu sein. Mal abwarten...


--- Zitat von: Aviarium am 16. März 2017, 22:23:41 ---Außer vielleicht, wenn man eine Frau spielt, dann könnte es etwas besser sein, aber mein Char sieht aus, als würde er sich am Wochenende in Jogginghose hinterm nächsten Aldi zum Saufen treffen.

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Nope. Das war ja schon in den Previews angemerkt worden das die Charaktere durch die Bank alle merkwürdig aussehen - und zwar nicht "uncanny valley" merkwürdig, sondern "wir müssen das patriarchale Schönheitsideal im Kern zerstören und damit die Befreiung der unterdrückten Frauen herbeiführen" merkwürdig.

Für euch lernresistente Fanbois:

"Bioware doesn't exist anymore.

DA:O was a surprise success that took 6ish years to make and almost everyone working at Bioware to put out the door. EA had no faith in it, and suddenly it was one of their top selling franchises. So they did what EA does to highly successful franchises, and asked Bioware to make another one. Except for this new one, they wanted it started and finished in under a year, as they had a dream of an annual RPG franchise. Mind you that's hard enough to pull off for FPS games which are relatively simple to make with multiple teams. Bioware was expected to put together a full length AAA RPG in 6-7 months while also putting out the last of the DA:O DLC.

This killed the company. Huge swathes of people up and quit. They couldn't handle the stress. They couldn't handle what they were expected to do. Every single major program director and creative lead left the company during this year period where they were developing DA2. Go look at LinkedIn profiles for the major people that worked on DA:O, and more then half of them suddenly leave Bioware in 2010. The combat director quit and wasn't replaced for months, so they had no real lead directing what the combat should have been during that period. Major story beats and combat ideas got forced into the game in the final months of 2010 not because they were good, but because the game needed to ship in a few months and it needed to get out the door. To help the DA team actually finish DA2 in a somewhat annual fashion, they drew most of the ME2 team off ME, throwing them into this grinder as well.

By the time DA2 launched, around half if not more of the original "Bioware" was gone. Go through the credits of DA:O, ME1, or ME2 and start LinkedIning people, none of them work for Bioware anymore. Most left between 2010 and 2012.

It's been a pretty steady drain since then. Compare the credits list of Inquisition to the credits list of DA:O or DA2. It's almost an entirely new team, and it's a team that Bioware specifically hired to replace the losses from DA2. It's why so many styles have changed since then, why the gameplay changed so steadily, and why they chose to try so many new things. Because Inquisition wasn't made by the DA:O team trying their hand at open world game design. It was maybe 1/6th of the guys that even touched DA:O/DA2 suddenly getting an influx of new blood, most of it Bioware fans finally getting a chance to work for the company they loved, that had great new ideas for what they wanted out of future Bioware games.

It's the same for the ME team. The brain drain has been bad, and the development of Andromeda has apparently picked off massive chunks of the team. The lead writer of the group was the lead writer for Halo 4, and he apparently clashed with a lot of the senior writers/main writers of previous ME games. A whole bunch of favorite ME writers have quit the company, and on various development forums have mentioned it was due to creative differences with the former lead writer. Gameplay leads have been leaving the ME/Bioware teams at a pretty steady pace since the game was developed as well. The story had to be picked up mid completion as the lead writer got forced out/quit and replaced, which likely doesn't mean great things for the narrative ( which we are also seeing here. ). Andromeda has currently had the great slow drip of Bioware talent since the dark days of 2010 when DA2 "killed" the company. They've been forced to cycle talent multiple times during the development of Andromeda, not just in management ( which has seen multiple complete turnovers ), but also among the rank and file people working on the game.

This isn't to say Andromeda can't be great, or that it won't live up to the hype. I'm personally hoping it does because I need something to play right now. But if it's good, it'll be good on it's own merits and it's own merits alone, rather then because "it's a Bioware game, I like Bioware!". Because Bioware doesn't exist anymore, it's a completely new entity and needs to be treated as such. People really need to be viewing this as "EA'S NEW ACQUISITION, BIOWARE VICTORY'S FIRST RPG. HOPE IT'S GOOD." rather then "Bioware always makes quality. I know what I'll get here.". As it is right now, EA is propping up Bioware's corpse with a new studio and hoping people don't notice while they keep using it as their RPG house. "

na toll



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